2. (PFF Members only) Take the Next Step -- Conduct Volunteer Angler Surveys for CDFW
Conducting volunteer angler surveys involves actually walking the banks of Pescadero Creek or waiting at the parking area and talking to anglers about their fishing results. It usually takes only a couple of minutes and our experience has been that nearly all anglers are very receptive to being interviewed and are very happy that volunteers are interested enough to gather this important data.
The commitment is a 3-4 hour window in the morning or afternoon, and you can easily combine it with fishing yourself for Pescadero’s wild, native steelhead at the same time.
Here is what’s required to do these surveys: (Note - the following documents are for PFF members ONLY and require member login.)
a. Complete and sign the CDFW Volunteer Service Agreement and return it to your coordinator Ron Beltramo (Look up contact info) before scheduling or participating in any interview. You can complete the form in pen and forward the final signed copy to your coordinator by either scanning the form or taking a picture with your camera. If you need help filling out the information or have questions, please reach out.
b. The Pescadero DataSheet Angler Interview (Microsoft Word file) is the same form as prior years. You should plan to have several copies of this document on hand with you as you go out for the interviews. You will be asked to fill out one of these forms as you interview anglers at Pescadero Creek and forward the completed form to your coordinator as soon as you can after conducting the interviews (like the week after you have completed interviews…the sooner the better). Coordinators will plan to accumulate and log these completed interviews and forward to Sean Cochran at least once per month.
NOTE: Depending on your web browser's settings, when you click the above link, this page may display as another window or tab, or may download automatically to your designated download folder. Either way, you should save the document to your local drive to edit and update per the instructions.
c. Scheduling will be handled via an online form (PFF member login required) that will have all of the dates and times for sign up. No special software is required to complete the form, just your web browser and Internet access. This is a Google Sheets document, so just enter your name and contact information for the date(s) and times you wish to volunteer. When finished, just close your browser tab or window. You do not have to save the file as it is saved automatically.
Here is a sample of what this document for scheduling looks like: